Sunday 16 September 2012

Mackenzie and Charlotte's Volcano Writing

The people in the village had heard strange noises in the night.When day broke, they  knew why.the nearby volcano was started erupting the people in the village evacuating from the village but it was a false alarm.

By Mackenzie

The people in the village had heard strange noises in the night. When day broke,they knew why.The nearby volcano was building pressure, then the villager’s called their chiefs to recommend what to do about the problem.The first chief said to block the volcano with rocks.’‘Rocks? But won’t the lava melt them?” said the second chief,’‘ayr you’re right.Then another chief named Rowcky the chief of the night said,’‘What about we make a sacrifice to the volcano spirits”! 
All was silent until a big scream echoed all around the village. A little boy was running away for some reason.Then a cloud of steam started out of the blue ,’‘LAVA LAVA! said Rowcky, it was melting the huts, the villagers ran for their lives. 
Some didn’t make it, then some black clouds were all around the island. It hailed and it rumbled with lightning bolts, striking every where. Nowhere was safe! 
So the villager’s headed to the volcano and shouted at the spirits deep down in to the deadly fire pit and said, Why Why?? did you do this to us? Then the earth shook and crumbled until BANG! A huge explosion came out of the ground, after that ..... nothing!

By Charlotte


  1. I was extremely impressed with your pieces of writing Mac and Charlotte. I really liked Charlotte how you built suspense throughout your writing and you used creative characters in your story. Well done.

    Mrs Notley

  2. well done charlotte, mackenzie and room 8
    we all did a great job

    by Brooke
