Monday 23 April 2012

Week 1 - Anzac Day

This week our students learnt the meaning of A.N.Z.A.C and were shown interviews and videos from people who had family who went to war over in Turkey to fight for their countries. The students were very moved by the bravery of our soldiers and the sacrifices they made by going off to fight and possibly lose their lives. We were lucky enough to have Mr Holley (Mrs Holley's husband) come in dressed in his soldier uniform (cool) and talk to us about what being in the army was and is like for people. He showed us his medals and gave us a quiz to see what we have learnt so far about Anzac day. At our assembly today we had an RSA member come in and talk to the School about the memorial services tomorrow and where to go to attend them. If you are interested in attending one there is one at Manurewa at dawn and another at 11am for those (like me) who can't get out of bed early enough. Below are some photos of our special Anzac moments. Enjoy.

Sunday 1 April 2012

We have frogs!!!

It has been so much fun for our students and myself to watch the progress of our tadpoles to frogs. Grumpy is our oldest tadpole and has been a frog for a week now, so it is very cool to see he has a frog friend to jump around with. It shouldn't be too long and we should have four frogs. Over the holidays I will change their enclosure from a tadpole tank to a frog enclosure. So pop in to see our crazy frogs! Hope you enjoy the photos below.

Mrs Notley