Tuesday 27 March 2012

Room 8 is hard at work training for Cross Country... enjoy these photos

Science work with Mrs Van Zyl

We were learning about acid and bases. We started off by pouring some purple cabbage juice into 5 glasses to use as indicators. Then we added baking soda, bleach, lemon, dishwashing powder and citric acid to each of the cabbage juice glasses to see what colour reaction would happen. We found that the bleach turned the cabbage juice to a yellowish color. Next the lemon juice turned the cabbage juice red. Then the baking soda turned the cabbage juice blue. The dishwashing powder turned the cabbage juice green. Lastly the citric acid turned the cabbage juice red. It was a fun activity to experiment with. Imagine what these things are doing to the inside of our tummys! I wonder what color it is inside there?

By Ryan

Monday 26 March 2012

Journey of the tadpoles...

As you can see, catching the tadpoles took quite some effort (notice more then 1 helper in the photo)!

Again, I am really 'busy' trying to catch some more tadpoles...

Alas! After nearly an hour of trying to catch the tadpoles from my parents pond... we had 8 tadpoles in total. In the photo attached you can see a few of the 8. I will upload some new photos of them turning from tadpole into frogs. 

Thursday 22 March 2012

Student leaders for 2012

Congratulations to Gabriel Neels and Amelia Broome for being nominated to represent Room 8 as Student leaders for 2012! I am sure they will do a fantastic job for us.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Celebration - 'Our team song and dance'

Our awesome singers and dancers did us proud last Friday. Well done Tui team and in particular to our committed dancers who practiced heaps to make sure the dance was super! I loved watching you up there performing.

Mrs Notley

Celebration - Mihi's

This is our fantastic presentation of our Room 8 Mihi's. Hope you enjoy them! Well done to Gabe, Zion, Calix, Katie and Victoria

Monday 12 March 2012

Singing practice for Celebration

Our fantastic flax woven art

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Congratulations Ella and Charlotte on coming 1st and 2nd overall for the Year 5 flax weaving competition. It was a  very long process and the resilience you showed paid off. You should feel very proud of your efforts.
Well done to all students in Room 8 for your participation in the placemat weaving activity.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Reflecting on the Mihi's...

All of the students in Room 8 should feel very proud of their efforts in learning their Mihi's. During the process of the Mihi, the students used the following key competencies (resilience, collaboration, discerning, questioning and reflecting) to ensure they optimized their learning of their Mihi's. I am extremely happy with how committed my students were to learn their own Mihi. We still have a few to be presented to the class as they have a different twist of their own to add. How exciting! I am looking forward to hearing the last few Room 8! Well done again on pushing through the process, now you can introduce yourself using your Mihi wherever you go.

Mrs Notley