Sunday 1 April 2012

We have frogs!!!

It has been so much fun for our students and myself to watch the progress of our tadpoles to frogs. Grumpy is our oldest tadpole and has been a frog for a week now, so it is very cool to see he has a frog friend to jump around with. It shouldn't be too long and we should have four frogs. Over the holidays I will change their enclosure from a tadpole tank to a frog enclosure. So pop in to see our crazy frogs! Hope you enjoy the photos below.

Mrs Notley


  1. Which one is Kermit? Heather Andrew

  2. HOW SUPER COOL IS THIS ROOM 8! I like 'Grumpy's' name.... is he really grumpy? Am interested on how he got this name... I have so many questions on Frogs, I might swing by and see if you can answer them for me. Miss Harland
    Should be interested to see how much they've grown over the holidays.
